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Private Investigator Services in St. Louis

Workers Compensation Fraud Investigation Services in St. Louis

Workers Compensation Fraud Investigations in St. Louis

Workers compensation exists to protect individuals who are injured in workplace accidents. However, many individuals take advantage of this system for personal gains. These fraudulent workers compensation claims can be damaging and costly to any business. Every year, millions of dollars are lost simply because there are too many loopholes for workers to exploit in the workers compensation plan.

The i-Con Group is an experienced private investigation firm operating out of St. Louis, Missouri. Our range of services extends across all kinds of issues including workers compensation fraud. If you suspect that an individual has filed a false workers compensation claim, we have the necessary knowledge and resources to perform covert surveillance and in-depth investigations to uncover the truth.

To learn more about our services, contact our St. Louis private investigators today online or by phone at (800) 790-4266.

What Is Workers Compensation Fraud?

As the term itself suggests, worker’s compensation is handed out to employees who have suffered injuries or illnesses that have made them unavailable or incapable of performing their jobs. While in some states, there is extensive investigation conducted into worker’s compensation claims, many states have lax rules with regard to worker’s compensation, allowing employees to claim false benefits and exploit the system.

Workers compensation fraud is said to occur when an individual purposefully generates an untrue statement, or conceals specific information, so as to receive worker’s compensation benefits. In many cases, a worker will lie about the extent of their injuries. They may also falsify the situation surrounding the accident.

Employees can be extremely shrewd in the way that they commit workers compensation fraud. Therefore, it is important for employers to be careful when investigating claims for validity. Some common ways in which employees commit workers compensation fraud include:

  • Exaggerating Symptoms: One of the most common ways for employees to commit workers compensation fraud is by exaggerating their medical symptoms. In many instances, workers provide false medical certificates that state exaggerated durations for recovery from an illness or injury, thus allowing individuals to claim compensation for longer periods. Workers also often exaggerate the seriousness of an injury, and how incapacitated they are in order to claim larger benefits.
  • Falsifying Accidents: In some cases, individuals will file false reports or alter the details of surrounding an accident in order to file a workers compensation claim. In these cases, the accident may not have even occurred at the place of employment or the accident could have been intentionally planned.
  • Receiving Additional Income: Another common instance of workers compensation fraud relates to earning income while claiming to be incapacitated. Many employees continue to perform services at other jobs that enable them to earn income, even though they have filed for worker’s compensation benefits.

The i-Con Group Can Investigate Workers Compensation Fraud

Workers Compensation Fraud Investigation & Surveillance Services

With a large network around St. Louis, The i-Con Group has the required resources and experience to conduct thorough investigations into workers compensation fraud claims. We can perform covert surveillance, investigate the circumstances surrounding an accident, and conduct background checks as needed to uncover the truth. During background investigations we can uncover if an individual has a previous record claiming workers compensation or committing fraud. This helps to determine an individual’s credibility.

As an experienced private investigative firm, we are also able to testify in court to present and confirm the necessary evidence in support of our clients’ cases.

Contact Us for Expert Workers Compensation Fraud Investigation Services

Do not let worker’s compensation fraud ruin your business. Contact the experts at The i-Con Group today to find what your various options are. Call us at (800) 790-4266 or contact us online.

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Contact Info

Toll Free: (800) 790-4266
St. Louis Metro: (314) 607-2699
Email: [email protected]

Contact our private investigators today for a free consultation to discuss your private investigation needs!

MO License: 2010010756
IL License: 115.002146

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